Friday 5 June 2015

What Is A Plantar Callus

A buildup of hard skin on the ball of the foot may be a plantar callus.

If you have a buildup of hard skin on the ball of the foot, it may be a plantar callus. The callus may cause foot pain and irritation, especially with extra pressure created by wearing thin-soled or high-heel shoes.


When one metatarsal bone (between the ankle and the toes) is longer or lower than the others, it hits the ground first and causes extra pressure on the skin underneath it, forming a callus.


According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, treatment for a plantar callus may include wearing different shoes to relieve pressure, pads placed over the callus, or surgery to remove a bony prominence causing the callus.


In surgical procedure called an oblique osteotomy, the surgeon cuts the affected metatarsal bone, aligns it with the other metatarsals, and uses screws or pins to hold the bone in place. Sometimes, only part of the metatarsal bone is removed. After surgery, over time the plantar callus goes away.


A study, The Use of Orthotic Devices to Correct Plantar Callus in People with Diabetes, found that after 12 months, the people using orthotic devices had a significantly reduced callus grade compared to the conventionally treated group, who showed no significant change.


A plantar callus is not the only cause of a painful buildup of skin on the ball of the foot. Other causes are corns, which more often occur on toes, and clusters of warts called mosaic warts.

Tags: ball foot, metatarsal bone, plantar callus, skin ball, skin ball foot