Friday 26 June 2015

Live Trap Wild Turkeys

Hunters catch live turkeys with drop nets.

Hunters catch wild turkeys by using a drop net. Native Americans used this method of hunting as a way to preserve birds for later consumption. A drop net will not render any harm to a wild turkey, as the net is design to fall directly on top of the bird, preventing its escape. The process of capturing a live turkey can be accomplished with careful planning, patience and execution.


1. Purchase a mesh net that extends 6- to 8-feet wide. Nylon fishnets used to catch shiners and minnows are an acceptable alternative if you are unable to find a specially designed drop net.

2. Identify a location where wild turkeys frequent. Scout the area and find a location that has a large open field.

3. Construct a 10-foot-high double post by using a post digger. Make two 1½-foot holes. The holes for the post need to line up and be evenly spaced, approximately 6 feet across. One at a time, insert the 10-foot posts into the ground and fill the holes in with dirt.

4. Attach the 7-foot bar to both top ends of the two poles. Using a step ladder, use nails, tape or glue to secure the 7-foot bar to each post. On completion, the posts and bar will appear like a soccer goal.

5. Spread the net underneath the 7-foot bar. Arrange the net to extend in a circular configuration.

6. Cut ten 5-feet long pieces of rope, using utility wire tie the ends of the ropes to the edge of net. Join each of the 5-foot long ropes to a 20-foot rope.

7. Position, the 20-foot rope over the constructed bar, making sure to attach the 20-foot rope to the center of the net.

8. Pull onto the rope and hoist the net to the very top of the bar. Tie the 20-foot rope to a grounded stake at least 15 feet away from the trap.

9. Place corn or turkey feed in the center, underneath the net.

10. Dig a 3-to 4-foot-deep rectangle trench, no further than 20 feet from the trap. The hole needs to be long enough for you to lay in the hole. Customize the hole to your size.

11. Add four 1-foot to 1½-foot stakes at the end of the rectangle hole. Tie a camouflage poncho to the stakes and place on top and around wildlife debris such as field grass, leaves or tree limbs.

12. Position yourself, in the trench and use a turkey caller to bring nearby turkeys to your location.

13. Drop the net manually, once a turkey moves into position and is directly underneath the net.

14. Grab hold of the turkey's legs and wrap 4-foot string around both the turkey's feet. Make use of a snell knot to ensure the legs are secure.

15. Run the string underneath the net, and wrap it around a 1-foot wooden stake in the ground, ensuring that it is secure.

16. Remove the net and hold down the turkey as you place the bird within a strong 6-foot long sack.

17.Push the turkey inside the bag and wrap a 1-foot string around the bag. Transport the turkey to any location you wish.

Tags: 20-foot rope, from trap, Hunters catch, string around, wild turkeys