Wednesday 10 June 2015

What Foods Have Glutathione

Broccoli boosts the levels of glutathione.

Glutathione (GSH) exists in almost every cell of the body. It is a protein composed of three amino acids: glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine. Glutathione protects against cancer, aids in the synthesis and repair of DNA, aids in the detoxification process, regulates immune cells and inhibits dormant HIV activation, according to Dr. Maoshing Ni in his book "Secrets of Longevity." Additionally, a glutathione deficiency can play a role in premature aging, liver and heart disease, diabetes and low sperm count. A variety of foods are available to boost glutathione levels.


Fresh vegetables help boost the levels of glutathione; however, when cooked they contain far less or may have none at all. Vegetables that help raise glutathione levels the most are asparagus, broccoli, brussel sprouts, carrots, cauliflower, okra, peas, potatoes, onions, spinach and squash. Because soil has been depleted of vital nutrients through the uses of herbicides, pesticides and chemical fertilizers, it is best to shop for organic and locally grown vegetables to get the most glutathione benefits, according to the Amazing Glutathione website.


Raw fruits are best for boosting glutathione levels. Fruits highest in glutathione are avocado, grapefruits, apples, watermelon and tomatoes. Eating organic and locally grown fruits are the most beneficial to avoid those fruits lacking in vital nutrients due to conventional farming methods.

Herbs and Spices

Garlic helps provide the building blocks of glutathione. Silymarin found in the herb milk-thistle helps prevent glutathione depletion. Spices that raise glutahione levels are cardamom, cinnamon and the curcumin found in turmeric.


Eggs trigger the production of glutathione in the body. Raw eggs are best because they have the highest level of glutathione. Cooking, as well as storing eggs, reduces the content of glutathione. For the best source of nutrition, the eggs should be free-range and hormone-free.

Other Sources

Other sources of glutathione are raw goat milk, goat whey and raw (unpasteurized) milk. Meat is a source of glutahione if it is unprocessed, free-range and hormone-free. Nuts help boost glutathione levels; this includes Brazil nuts and walnuts. Additionally, breast milk is high in glutathione, but storing it for as little as two hours causes a glutathione loss of 73 to 79 percent, according to the Nutrition Advisor website.

Tags: glutathione levels, boost glutathione, boost glutathione levels, free-range hormone-free, help boost