Tuesday 23 September 2014

Natural Roach Control Remedies

Roaches are nocturnal and can invade your home through cracks, doors and other openings in the home without you noticing. Once inside, roaches multiply quickly and their feces can cause allergies to flare up. You don't have to suffer with a roach infestation. By using a natural roach control remedy, your home will soon be roach free. Does this Spark an idea?

Baking Soda & Sugar

One natural way to get rid of roaches is to sit out a mixture in several bowls containing 1 tbsp. of baking soda mixed with 1 tbsp. of sugar. The roaches will consume the mixture, it will mix with their stomach's high acid content and they will die quickly. When cleaning up the dead roaches, make sure you wear a nose mask and latex gloves. Sweep the dead roaches up with a broom and dust pan.

Non-Toxic Bait Solution

Another natural way to kill roaches in your home is to mix 1 tbsp. of baking soda, ½ tbsp. of flour, ½ tbsp. of sugar, 2 tsps. of bacon grease and 1 tbsp. of minced onions. Stir the ingredients into a dough-like paste. Place the paste in a bowl or small plastic container close to the baseboard of a cabinet or on a countertop. The roaches will eat the paste and die soon after. You can also break the paste into small balls and place them throughout house.

Garlic, Onion & Pepper Stew

Don't have time to make a paste? Mix a stew of one clove of garlic, one small onion, 1 tbsp. of cayenne pepper and 1 qt. of water in a large pot. Let the ingredients soak for one hour and then stir the solution. Place the pot on a countertop or on the floor before you go to bed. The roaches will smell and find the solution, ingest it and die.

Other Natural Roach Control Substances

Bay leaves, diatomaceous earth and Epsom salt will also kill a roach infestation in your home. Place about three bay leaves in your cupboards and along the baseboards in your house. Spread some diatomaceous earth (available at hardware and home improvement stores) along the walls and around the doorways of your home.

To make an Epsom salt roach killer, pour 1 tbsp. of Epsom in a small plastic container, set it in the middle of the floor or on a countertop and sprinkle a few food crumbs in and around the container. The roaches will smell the food, consume it and the Epsom salt also.

Tags: your home, roaches will, Epsom salt, baking soda, dead roaches