Thursday 18 September 2014

Live An Oldfashioned Life


I have always had a yearning to live a simple life, one from centuries past where women did all the baking, cooking, sewing, tending, and men built the homes, shelters, tended the animals, worked the ground. I love the ideals of a homesteading lifestyle, really living from the land and in communion with GOD and the Earth. Doing things by hand offers a sense that you are living for REAL, and not living for the packaged, commercialized culture that rips families apart and takes the power from the family unit and places it in the hands of the big businesses. I say lets take back our families, get back to basics, and learn to live the old-fashioned way!


1. Get rid of your television. Television is the worse separator of families, it corrupts, it bombards the viewer with images of the worse kind of behavior, and it makes the most horrible actions seem commonplace. Getting rid of television eliminates your family from seeing images of children disrespecting their elders, husbands and wives treating each other immaturely and selfishly, murders and horrifying scenes, scantily clothes women, turmoil, and devastation. Once you free your family from the television, your lives will change for the better immediately.

2. Start making your own food. That means starting a garden and learning what you need to know to grow a basic crop. Imagine how good it will feel to have your meals comprised completely of foods that your whole family took part in cultivating. The nutrient value is significantly better when you grow your own food, so you are not only doing for yourself, you are feeding your family a more nutritious diet.

3. Start canning, drying, and preserving your own food. Once you harvest your food you can learn these methods for creating a stock-pile to make sure your family is well fed for the winter. Canning, drying, and preserving are a lot less difficult than the media has made it out to be, and a lot less expensive than buying food in a supermarket. You can can anything from jams to bean, from spaghetti sauces to soups. Plus, dehydrating your own fruit provides your family with the vitamin C they need to get them through the dark wintry months, happy and healthy.

4. Start making clothes, household decorations, and linens for your family. You can totally do this. The American media has brainwashed the people into believing that they are totally incompetent, which is completely untrue. Invest in a good quality sewing machine, find yourself some patterns, and go to town!

What I really love about this is that you can really have more freedom in deciding what your children wear, and what patterns you can decorate with. Children today dress WAY to mature. The stores that carry children's clothing usually only carry clothes that make the children look like they are 20-30, instead of looking like little ones. Fortunately, there are many patterns for kids clothes out there that take a modest approach, as it should be.

Creating your own bedclothes, dish towels, and home decor is especially thrilling. Just think of how wonderful you will feel when you look around your home and know that you made everything by hand.

5. Take time to study spiritual works together. Instead of inundating your family with elements that tear down families, such as television, malls, etc...instead fill them with thoughts of spirit. Teach them live a life of love, of purity, and of genuine compassion. live from the heart. Connect with your community in ways that contribute, and in ways that helps others.

Tags: your family, your food, drying preserving, family from, family with, Start making, ways that