Monday 7 December 2015

Homemade Pet Shampoos

Commercial pet shampoos are teeming with chemicals. Our pets are sensitive to these chemicals, especially around the eyes and skin, the places where shampoos are generally applied. This can cause a whole host of issues, from allergic reactions to corneal ulcers. Try making your own natural shampoo instead.


The easiest shampoo recipes call for the combination of readily available, all-natural ingredients, such as oatmeal, bran, apple cider, vinegar, etc. Most of these ingredients can be found easily in local grocery outlets or fresh markets. Each of these ingredients provides an individual function within the combination, making for a well-rounded solution. In normal homemade shampoo preparations, the ingredient list will be short, including three to four basic ingredients: one for cleansing, one for conditioning, one for deodorizing, and possibly one to combat pests. The inclusion of essential oils for flea and tick control is optional.


There are both dry and wet formulations. Which one you use will depend on factors such as time, available water resources and personal preference. Wet shampoos normally consist of several ingredients in combination with water and require lathering and rinsing. Dry shampoos consist of all, or mostly all, dry ingredients and do not require water. Dry preparations are most often used in between regular wet shampooing to eliminate odors and reapply pest control agents (essential oils) for maximum efficacy.

Health Benefits

Preparing homemade pet shampoos gives you the opportunity to keep your dog clean, smelling fresh and pest-free without the expense of commercial shampoos. Certain ingredients in commercially prepared shampoos may be irritating to your dog. If so, then homemade dog shampoos give you the added advantage of being hypoallergenic, depending on the recipe you choose.

A bonus if you are environmentally conscious is that homemade dog shampoos are also 100 percent biodegradable. Since they are made from all-natural ingredients, they will not harm the environment and can be safely washed down any drain or into any natural body of water.

Tags: all-natural ingredients, essential oils, homemade shampoos, these ingredients