Thursday 27 August 2015

Mormon Food Storage Techniques

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, also known as Mormons, are regarded for their principles of provident living, especially when it comes to food storage and emergency preparedness. However, there are a few basic food storage techniques that anyone can practice.

Buying in Bulk

The quickest and easiest way (although least cost-effective) to build a food storage supply is to buy non-perishable items in bulk. Families can take advantage of memberships from stores such as BJ's, Sam's Club and Costco by purchasing flats of canned goods, large boxes of pasta, bags of rice, bottled water, etc. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints also has basic food supplies available to purchase through church storehouses. The order form and local storehouse information can be found on the church website.


Home canning may be the most cost-effective way to build food storage. Self canning is not difficult, but is time consuming. You will need some basic supplies, such as a pressure cooker and/or large pot for boiling with a rack, jars, as well as jar rings and sealing lids. Fresh fruits and vegetables can be grown at home, or purchased through local co-ops or farmer's markets to keep costs down. The National Center for Home Food Preservation has detailed instructions on self canning.


Newer technology has made home food storage even easier. Dry items such as pasta, flour, rice, oatmeal, dried fruit, etc. can be stored in plastic containers and storage bags long term. There is a small initial investment for this method. To pack dry items, purchase either a Food Saver machine or other vacu-pack-type machine. You will also need to purchase a supply of plastic bags and containers to use with your machine. This technique is very simple, and is a fun way to involve children with food storage.


Leaders of the Mormon church encourage its members to keep a home garden. They teach that "planting a garden, even a small one, allows for a greater degree of self-reliance. With the right information and a little practice, individuals and entire families can enjoy the many benefits of planting and tending a garden". Gardening is a fun and relaxing way to provide food for food storage, and it can significantly reduce the cost of building up food stores.


How much food to can, dry-pack or purchase depends on the size of the family. Because church leaders emphasize the importance of food storage and self reliance, they have included a food storage calculator on their church website. However, this may not fit every family's needs. Families should store the type of food they like to eat. One way to determine how much your family might need to store for a three month supply is to create a menu for one week. Make a list of all the items you would need to fill that menu, then multiple the totals by 12. This can be adjusted for a six month or one year supply.


In addition to food and water, consider other items that should be included in long term storage, such as soap, shampoo, toothpaste, extra toothbrushes, laundry detergent, pet food, diapers, baby food and formula, light bulbs, flashlights and batteries, candles and any other household items that are purchased regularly. It is also a good idea to keep a financial reserve for emergencies. Additionally, copies of all important documents, such as birth certificates, shot records, insurance policies and deeds should be kept in a fire and waterproof safe. Families should sit down together to discuss their needs and ways to build up food storage and prepare for emergencies.

Tags: food storage, build food, build food storage, food storage, basic food, Christ Latter-day