Friday 3 April 2015

What Are The Benefits Of Olive Oil On The Face

The ancient Greeks and Egyptians benefited beautifully from this beauty secret. Although most people use olive oil to cook foods or dress a salad, it has been used cosmetically for thousands of years. It's great for the face. It's mild, not heavy and it moisturizes the skin to give it a healthy glow.


Toss out every negative believe you may have about oil on the skin because when it comes to olive oil, it's the exception. Olive oil is a fatty acid and the skin needs fatty acids to keep it replenished and avoid drying out. As a fatty acid, olive oil also helps in cell rejuvenation.


Olive oil is not the thick, grimy oil that's clogging your pores. In fact, oil is not the single culprit behind your skincare problems. It's a combination of dirt, dead skin cells, build up, bacteria and hormones. The body needs oil that is why it produces it, and olive oil's properties are similar to the sebum the body creates.


Olive oil is rich in vitamin E and vitamin A. Vitamin E gives you a youthful appearance by slowing aging. Vitamin A is what gives skin a healthy, natural glow. Olive oil is also filled with antioxidants that fight free radicals that cause skin to age.


Massage olive oil into the skin to remove the dirt and grime that's clogging your pores and creating blemishes. Many ready-made olive oils go on light. You'll only need about a quarter-size amount because you're going to massage it into the skin. It absorbs quickly, so you leave it on for two to five minutes or rinse with warm water.


Olive oil also works well as an eye make-up remover. If you use olive oil daily, your skin will return to producing the oil it needs. Your skin will look smooth, radiant and it will lose the greasy oily look and feel that you're used to seeing later in the day and first thing in the morning.

Do It Yourself

There are several ready-made deep cleansing olive oil products available that work very well. But here is one way to make the same deep-cleansing olive oil with ingredients you may already have at home.

To create your own olive oil moisturizing mask, you will need: olive oil, honey, an egg yolk, small bowl and a whisk. Pour 1/8 of a cup of olive oil, 1 tbsp. of honey and the egg yolk into your bowl and blend together well. Apply the mask and leave it on for about 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

Tags: Benefits Olive, clogging your, clogging your pores, fatty acid, honey yolk