Monday 6 April 2015

Leafy Green Salad Ideas

Leafy green salads have a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

Leafy green salads are extremely healthy and provide you with an array of vitamins and minerals. According to the Center for Young Women's Health, leafy green vegetables can prevent some cancers. Incorporating a green salad into your regular diet is simple. With a few leafy green salad ideas, which will help you avoid becoming board with a basic lettuce salad. Add this to my Recipe Box.


Vegetables tossed in with a leafy green salads help you get many necessary vitamins and minerals. One of the most beneficial leafy green vegetables is broccoli; toss iti with green leaves such as arugula, spinach, mustard greens, kale, or swiss chard to maximize your nutrient intake. Because dark, leafy green vegetables contain a high amount of fat-soluble vitamins, you should eat some sort of dietary fat along with them, such as olive oil, butter, cheese, or salad dressing. You can create a salad with the greens of your choice along with broccoli, then dress it with olive oil or dressing, and a little sprinkle of cheese.


Add protein to a leafy green salad by incorporating tuna. Tuna meets a range of budgets because it is available in an inexpensive can or a more costly steak. Put it over arugula or mustard greens for a peppery taste; kale or dandelion greens for a bitter bite, or spinach for a sweet flavor. Throw in mushrooms, scallions, and any other choice vegetables before dressing the entire salad with soy-lime vinaigrette consisting of white wine vinegar, lime juice, olive oil, pepper, soy sauce, and salt. The dressing highlights any leafy greens you choose because the pepper complements the arugula and mustard greens, the vinegar correlates with the kale and dandelion greens, and the lime juice acts as a companion to the spinach.


Pair leafy green salads with fruit to create a semi-sweet meal. Fruit such as apples, oranges, and pears, and berries including strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries work well with spinach leaves because both have a slightly sweet flavor. Break up the partially sweet salad with a somewhat bitter dressing comprised of white wine vinegar, Dijon mustard, lemon juice, and black pepper. Add feta cheese for a creamier taste and any nut you want for crunch.

Tags: green salads, leafy green, green salad, green vegetables, leafy green vegetables, mustard greens, salad with