Monday 22 December 2014

Homemade Remedies To Cure Cellulite

Cellulite is the formation of cottage cheese-like fat substances in areas of the body such as the thighs, abdomen and buttocks. Cellulite can be difficult to remove with exercise or diet. Men are less prone to accumulating cellulite in the body than women. Cosmetic surgery procedures, such as liposuction, are not usually effective in treating cellulite, but some home remedies may work to reduce its appearance. However, home remedies may not provide an instant or noticeable change in everyone.

Massaging Oils

Massaging coconut oil into the affected area is one of the most effective remedies against the appearance of cellulite. Proper massaging in general can help reduce the appearance of cellulite. You can massage cellulite with just coconut oil, or the oil can be mixed with a variety of essential oils such as rosemary, sandalwood, juniper, cedar wood, lavender, cinnamon, germanium, clove and chamomile, all of which may aid in reducing cellulite. Additionally, a mixture of thyme, grapefruit and corn oil can also be used to massage areas that have cellulite deposits.


Coffee, or the caffeine in it, is another suggested remedy to improve the appearance of cellulite. Brew ground coffee beans and while the coffee grounds are still warm, apply them over the areas that need treatment. Vegetable oils can be added to reduce the friction this may cause on the skin. You may experience discomfort when doing this treatment, and results are not guaranteed. Many cosmetic companies have tapped in to the coffee ingredient in their anti-cellulite creams.

Other Options

Grapefruit and almond are other natural remedies that may help reduce the appearance of cellulite. Grapefruit juice or almond extracts can be added to lotion or rubbed directly into the cellulite to potentially reduce the appearance of the unpleasant fat.

You may also try something as simple as adding sea salt to bath water and sitting in it for about 20 minutes can also help reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Diet and Exercise

Though it's hardly foolproof, losing weight through regular exercise and a low fat, balanced diet should help reduce the appearance of cellulite. Also eliminating soda, alcohol, processed foods, cigarettes and coffee may help reduce cellulite, states Dr. Howard Murad in his book "The Cellulite Solution."

Tags: appearance cellulite, reduce appearance, help reduce, help reduce appearance, reduce appearance cellulite, areas that, home remedies