Wednesday 3 December 2014

Feed Family Of 5 On $50 Per Week

Feed Families

Need to feed family of 5 on $50 per week? Read on to find out what to buy to make it through each week and feed families.


1. *Feed Family of 5 on $50 Per Week*

For breakfast, buy 3 dozen eggs ($6) and 2 packages of bacon ($5) (buy the store brand of each or whatever is the cheapest and/or on sale). Buy 2 bunches of bananas $2), generic cheerioes ($2), and a gallon of store brand milk ($2). Also buy 3 big loaves of cheapest wheat bread ($5). Everyone can alternate between cereal, toast, and banana or apple (see below) one day and 2 eggs and bacon or homefried potatoes with toast the next. This is step one to feed family of 5 on $50 per week.

2. Buy 1 pound of bologna ($3), 1 pound of cooked ham - whatever's on sale ($3), 1 jar of peanut butter ($1 dollar store) and a generic jelly at dollar store ($1). Buy a bag of generic apples ($2), and a bag of regular popcorn to pop in a pan ($1) to make for lunches or you can buy a big bag of pretzel sticks at the dollar store for $1. Send water with lunches or make lemonade from a bit of lemon juice, water and sugar (on hand). Use these tips for feeding family lunches on a budget.

3. Buy 3 bags of frozen veggies (store brand) for $3, a box of generic minute rice ($1), and a can of generic chicken broth ($1). Use rice cooked in chicken broth, 4 strips of bacon, and 6 eggs to make fried rice one night. Buy 2 cans of generic tomato soup ($1) and add some cooked rice (above) to it and make grilled cheese sandwiches one night to dip in it (generic cheese slices $1 at dollar store). Make spaghetti ($1) and sauce ($1 dollar store) one night with bread and butter, have baked potatoes (5 pound bag for $3) with bacon bits and cheese on top one night, chicken noodle soup ($2) and peanut butter and jelli (with frozen veggies) one night. Serve mac and cheese ($1 for 2 boxes generic) with frozen veggies one night, make shepherd's pie one night with small package ground beef ($2), mashed potatoes, frozen corn, and onion seasoning or salt and pepper. This is a great recipe to feed families.

4. It's very difficult to feed a family on $50 per week on a regular basis. Consider going to a food bank or getting food stamps until you are on your feet again. We all experience rough patches from time to time (especially in this economy) and these programs are designed for just these circumstances.

Tags: dollar store, feed family, frozen veggies, store brand, chicken broth, dollar store generic, Feed Family