Monday 8 December 2014

Build A Manure Compost Bin

Wooden freight pallets make it easy to build a manure compost bin.

Most people would rather not have a big pile of decomposing manure in their yard, but recognize the benefits of recycling all that waste into nutrient-rich humus for their garden or pasture. A compost bin is a great way to neatly contain the compost pile. It will make the process more aesthetically pleasing, and actually speeds up the composting process by retaining heat in the pile. The easiest and most inexpensive material to use is salvaged freight pallets. Many warehouses and large malls discard pallets every week, and would be happy to give you a few. Does this Spark an idea?


Build a Compost Bin

1. Choose a level, solid place to build your compost bin. Ideally, it should be close to both the barn, so you do not have to haul manure over long distances, and close to the garden or pasture so you do not have to haul the finished compost very far. If you have to choose one location over the other, build the compost bin just outside the barn so you can add manure and bedding every time you muck out the stalls.

2. Lay a wooden freight pallet, slats facing up, on the ground in your chosen location. This will be the bottom of your compost bin. The vertical sides will sit directly on top of this pallet.

3. Stand a second pallet, slats facing outward, near the first. Brace another pallet against this one, slats facing outward, forming a 90 degree corner. Nail the two pallets together at the corner.

4. Stand another pallet up with the rest to form a 3-sided fence. Nail it to the structure at the corners.

5. Lift the structure onto the horizontal pallet. Square the corners if necessary, and nail the sides to the bottom.

6. Stand the last pallet up to form the fourth wall, and the door, of the compost bin. Install the hinges, following the manufacturer's instructions, to connect the last pallet to the structure.

7. Install the gate latch according to the manufacturer's instructions. This forms a gate to allow you to easily empty the compost bin.

8. Paint the outside of the compost bin if desired. Paint only the outside, as chemicals in the paint can leach into the compost if the inside is painted. Let the paint dry completely before adding manure to the bin.

Tags: slats facing, another pallet, facing outward, freight pallets, garden pasture, have haul