Tuesday 18 November 2014

Fast Fundraiser Ideas

So, you don't have time to plan a giant fundraising effort, but for some reason or other, your organization needs money fast. Perhaps you want to provide relief after a natural disaster, perhaps the roof of your organization's headquarters needs replacing as soon as possible. Regardless, you need a few ideas for fast fundraising.

Internal Fundraising

Depending on the size of your organization, an internal call for donations may fill some or all of your fundraising needs, or at least may bridge the gap until you can pursue a more formalized, planned fundraising method. Depending on your fundraising target, you may have to contact members individually to discuss the needs of the organization. More likely is the idea of doing a group-wide call, either in person if in person meetings are common, such as with churches, or by email. You can also plan an internal event to raise funds.

Sales-based Fundraising

When turning to people outside of your organization for fundraising, selling something is a great idea. Selling baked goods, dinner plates or other food stuff is a great idea as the return on investment can be terrific, especially if members of the organization provide the food to sell. Garage sales are also a good idea, if members or the organization bring things to sell. Car washes are a traditional way to earn money. At Christmastime, you could also have members sing carols.

The problem is, many other groups will be doing the same types of things. If you aren't the scouts, why compete with their cookies? Try something new, like a "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"-style lottery, with prizes inside some of the items. Or auction off personal assistants for a day of house cleaning services. Reversals are usually very entertaining, so having the higher-ups perform such tasks is a good idea. If recyclables have to be driven to a separate locations in your area, sell off three-month periods of recycled item pick ups.

If members of your organization are writers or are musically inclined, auction off songs and poems written about a person. If you have any artists, set up an easel in a public location and have them sketch likenesses for donations.

Whatever you decide, keep in mind that even though the money raised is for charity, people won't necessarily want to pay for something that is too inflated. Also, make sure that the name of your organization and the reason that the money is being raised is clear on some kind of sign.

Event-based Fundraising

Event-based fundraising not only raises a lot of money, but it is a good way to foster a team spirit among the members of your group and raise awareness in the community for your cause.

Everyone has heard of raffles and carnivals, but why not try something different? How about a Monopoly or board game tournament, a film festival, a poetry contest or poetry slam night, or a battle of the bands? How about a cook-off, a scavenger hunt, or a spelling bee? Instead of the usual marathon, try something different, like a pet and owner marathon or a crutches marathon. If you have a large space, rent a projector and create a drive-in movie theater.

Tags: your organization, good idea, great idea, members organization, members your