Wednesday 19 November 2014

Eat In Accordance With Levitical Law

The Bible offers guidance on eating according to Levitical law.

Eating in accordance with Levitical law, as instructed by the book of Leviticus in the Bible, can be a challenge due to the modern food supply. The book of Leviticus details primarily what meats a person can and cannot consume. The wide variety of meats that are available at most grocery stores and restaurants makes eating in accordance with Levitical law easier for the consumer. But the enticing dishes can also tempt him into straying from the rigid food laws prescribed by Leviticus.


1. Review the biblical verses that pertain to Levitical law and specifically to eating, such as the book of Lev.11:1-30, which instructs on which animal meats are acceptable to eat.

2. Do not eat the meat from an animal that does not have "divided hoofs and is cleft-footed and chews the cud," as instructed by the book of Leviticus. This includes pigs, rabbits, raccoons or dogs, among others. Pork is the meat from this forbidden category that is consumed most often. Shopping in the kosher sections of grocery stores can help you to eat by the rule of Levitical law.

3. Eat only meat from an animal that has "divided hoofs and is cleft-footed and chews the cud," such as cow, deer, lamb and buffalo. When purchasing meat or ordering out, for example, purchase items that are completely made of beef products, such as all-beef hot dogs or all-beef burgers.

4. Eat only fish with fins and scales, such as bass, bluefish and salmon. Do not eat catfish, eel or marlin, since they do not have fins and scales. The fish that thrive in fresh water were considered clean and suitable to eat while those that are bottom dwellers, such as catfish, were considered unclean, according to Catch your own fish, or inquire at a seafood department or restaurant as to the origin of the fish you are considering before ordering.

5. Refrain from eating animal fat and blood, according to Leviticus 7: 23-24 and 26-27. Remove fat from the clean meats prior to eating them and do not eat foods that use or are composed of animal fat, such as some types of gelatin. Become accustomed to reading labels at the grocery store if you are unsure. Avoid eating delicacies, such as blood sausage, that are often served in gourmet restaurants.

6. Eat only meat from birds that consume only plants and seeds, such as chicken, turkey, pheasant, grouse and quail. Do not eat ravens, ducks or vultures, or other birds of prey, since birds that eat meat were considered unclean. Inquire as to the treatment of the birds you buy, such as chicken, at the grocery store, or research the various brands, companies and distributors that sell the meat to ensure they are only fed plant products.

7. Refrain from eating lizards, turtles, frogs and flies, avoiding creatures and insects that are meat eaters or were known to carry diseases. You may eat crickets, grasshoppers and locusts instead, since they are plant eaters. Catch your own insect delicacies or purchase them at gourmet and specialty stores.

Tags: meat from, book Leviticus, were considered, accordance with, accordance with Levitical, animal that