Friday 13 November 2015

Definition Of Legumes

Beans are one of the most recognizable legumes.

Legumes are a family of flowering plants which are believed to comprise about 1/12 of all flowering plants identified to date. They are present on every continent, excluding Antarctica, and can be found in a wide range of environments. Plants belonging to the legume family can range from small herbs to immense tropical trees. Does this Spark an idea?


Though legumes take such a wide variety of forms and can be found in diverse ecosystems and climates, they all have one trait in common. All legumes reproduce through their fruit, which takes the form of a seed pod. This is the defining characteristic of a plant in the legume family. Since the introduction of agriculture, humans have determined which plants produce edible pods, and cultivated them widely.


Today, when most people speak of legumes, they are not referring specifically to the plant family, but rather to the crops harvested from certain plants. Beans, peas, lentils and peanuts are the most common crops, and can be collectively referred to as "legumes." Such crops have played an important role in traditional diets around the globe and are also a prominent component of the modern vegetarian diet.


Legumes are especially prominent in regional cuisine in regions such as South and Central America, India, the Middle East and Africa. Legumes are especially important in cultures in which meat is not always available, or where meat consumption is abandoned, because of their high nutritional profile and value as a meat alternative. In addition to being excellent sources of plant protein, legumes are also important sources of nutrients such as folate, iron and fiber. While most legumes have a relatively bland flavor, different cooking styles have developed innovative ways to prepare them.


Legumes are behind only cereal or grain crops in providing food for humans, with an annual global value of about $2 billion. In addition, other varieties are used for a range of other purposes. Crops such as alfalfa and clover may be cultivated or harvested for their value as animal feed crops. Other members of the legume family are harvested for industrial or manufacturing purposes, as valuable materials such as resins or dyes may be extracted from them.


The English world "legume" is sometimes confused with the French "legume," which is pronounced almost precisely the same, yet has a distinctly different meaning. While the English word is meant to refer only to beans, peas and their associated plants, the French word applies to any kind of vegetable. In French, "legume" would be translated as "legumineuse."

Tags: legume family, flowering plants, French legume, Legumes especially