Tuesday 24 March 2015

The Best Chicken Breasts

The best chicken breasts have longer storage lives.

Choosing the best chicken breasts can enhance the flavor of every chicken dish you create. However, there are also other benefits to choosing the best chicken breasts, such as health issues and storage life. Add this to my Recipe Box.

Processed vs. Unprocessed

When choosing your chicken breast, always select meat that has undergone the least amount of processing possible. This will help promote health as well as taste. Overprocessed chicken breast will have additional preservatives, which have been linked to many health conditions, including cancers. Overprocessing can also lead to poor tasting chicken.

Fresh vs. Frozen

Always buy chicken that is fresh, not frozen. Frozen chicken breast has additional sodium, which is bad for your heart and your health.

Chicken Fat

Carefully check all chicken breast for fat. While you can trim extra fat off is possible, this can help reduce the amount of preparation required without sacrificing freshness.

Saving Money While Still Buying Quality

Purchase your chicken breast still with the skin on the bone if you are trying to save money but still want to purchase high quality meat. While this will increase your preperation time, it will also save you a little on your food cost.

Tags: chicken breast, best chicken, best chicken breasts, chicken breasts, your chicken, your chicken breast