Friday 13 March 2015

Help People Get Organized

Collecting and organizing paper can become overwhelming.

Being organized is a habit that can be learned. Many unorganized people do not know keep order in their lives. They have never developed a system for handling their papers or putting things away. There are three styles of organizing: keeping items out of sight in drawers and cupboards, leaving items out where they can be seen and stacking things in neat piles. Set up an organizing system that matches the personality and lifestyle of the person being organized. The organized person will gain control over her space and her daily life. Being organized will save time, money and frustration and relieve stress. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Plan your organizing goals on paper. What areas need organizing the most? What type of organizing containers will work best for you? Decide on an organizing style that will work best for you.

2. Create a time line to get organized. Start with baby steps. Tackle one small area or pile at a time. Plan to spend a certain amount of time each day to get organized

3. Eliminate the clutter in the area that you are working on. Throw away or recycle items that are no longer useful to you.

4. Sort the items that are left into categories. Place like items together. Choose a place to store each item.

5. Designate areas or zones throughout the house to store items and products. Create a cleaning closet, food pantry, dish cupboard, toy basket, toy closet, coat closet, linen closet and an office area for all of the paperwork. Keep like items together in one place. Make the decision always to put things back where they belong.

6. Purchase the tools needed to get organized. Some items to start with are bins, baskets, clear plastic containers, a day planner, file folders and filing cabinets. Use a labeler to label each basket and bin.

7. Set up in the office area bins and baskets to store papers as they come in. Label the baskets' priority, to be filed and action needed. Use clear containers to organize.

8. Use a planner to organize appointments and to do lists. Choose a planner that you can carry with you.

9. Set up a message bulletin board to organize appointments, flyers and shopping lists.

10. Establish routines for keeping your items organized. On a daily basis, sort the mail and pick up items that have been left out.

Tags: items that, bins baskets, items together, like items, like items together