Wednesday 18 March 2015

Beginner Mushroom Growing

Growing mushrooms is easier with a spawn set.

Mushrooms grow on decaying material, called a substrate. The substrate must be thoroughly sterilized for the mushrooms to grow properly. When your mushrooms begin growing, check to make sure they are white. If they look pink, they are infested with bacteria and should be thrown away. Mushroom spawn is available from may online retailers and some well stocked gardening centers. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Place the amount of bird seed you need to fill your jars into a bucket and soak the seed in water overnight. Place the seed in a large bucket since the seed will expand once it absorbs the water.

2. Rinse the seed in a colander and allow it to drain for about 30 minutes.

3. Fill your jar 3/4 of the way full with the material.

4. Place a filter over the top of the jar, place the lid on top and seal the jar with a lid ring. Place two coffee filters to the top and attach them with rubber bands.

5. Place your jars in a pressure cooker and bring the pressure cooker to 15 PSI for 60 minutes. Let the pressure cooker go to zero and allow the jars to cool slightly. Remove the jars while still hot and tighten the lids. Shake the jars thoroughly. Let the jars cool overnight on a rack to reduce condensation.

6. Inject your spawn from the spawn syringe directly into the jar. Cover the jar again with the coffee filters and let the jars sit for 10 to 15 days. White pinheads will appear at this time.

7. Empty out the jars into an aquarium and cover. Harvest the mushrooms once they reach the desired size.

Tags: pressure cooker, coffee filters, jars cool, jars into, your jars