Wednesday 2 September 2015

Get My Dog Fixed For Cheap

Vets prefer to spay dogs that are less than one year old.

Animal shelters euthanize more than 3 million dogs and cats every year. Pet owners who put off having their dogs spayed or neutered don't usually intend to contribute to the dog overpopulation problem. Often they just can't afford to pay for an operation for their dog. Fortunately, dog lovers have big hearts. A network of veterinarians and volunteers want to make sure there are cheap ways to get your dog fixed.


1. Spayed and neutered dogs live longer.

Ask your veterinarian about discount coupons for spays and neuters. There are many animal welfare organizations that provide discount vouchers that reduce the cost of getting your dog fixed. Ask your vet to tell you which organizations she works with to provide low-cost sterilization for dogs. Visit those organizations to apply for aid. Be prepared to show proof of income for need-based programs.

2. Some communities have laws requiring pit bulls to be spayed or neutered.

Take your dog to one of the free or low-cost spay/neuter clinics in your area. There are low cost neuter and spay clinics in virtually every state. Contact the ASPCA or Humane Society office in your state to find out where the nearest clinic is located. As of January 2011, the cost of a clinic spay ranged from $25 to $60; a neuter was $20 to $40.

3. Dogs adopted from shelters are usually already spayed or neutered.

Schedule an appointment to get your dog fixed by a veterinary student at a college of Veterinary medicine. Offering free or low cost spay and neuter services gives students an opportunity to gain surgical experience, and pet owners an opportunity to get discounted services. For example, at Johnson College's Veterinary Technology Department in Scranton, Pennsylvania, students participate in an annual "Spay Day," where Lackawanna County residents can get their dog fixed for $45.

Tags: your fixed, spay neuter, spayed neutered