Monday 7 September 2015

Edge Cupcakes With Sprinkles

Sprinkles add color and decoration to cupcakes.

Colored sugar crystals, multicolored jimmies, chocolate covered sprinkles and star-shaped sprinkles are just a few of the sprinkles used to edge cupcakes. Edging cupcakes with sprinkles means that you cover the outside rim of the cake with sprinkles. You can use any type of sprinkles to do this. The process works best when the icing is fresh. Sprinkles don't stick to dry icing as well. Edge the cupcakes to makes wreaths, clouds, balloons and other items. Add this to my Recipe Box.


1. Hold the cupcake by the base.

Tear off a 10-inch long sheet of wax paper off of a roll. Spread it out on a flat surface. Sprinkle a 2-inch wide, 6-inch long line of sprinkles onto the wax paper. Hold the frosted cupcake sideways so the very tips of the frosting touch the sprinkles. Rotate the cupcake, holding it so the top is angled slightly upward, over the line of sprinkle without pushing down.

2. Only hold a small amount of sprinkles in your pinched fingers.

Hold one hand like a bowl. Pour sprinkles into the palm of that hand. Pinch sprinkles out our palm and sprinkle them over the edge of the cupcake.

3. This method works well with all sprinkle types.

Apply frosting to only the edge of the cupcake. Shake sprinkles over the icing. Add more icing to the middle of the cupcake, if desires. The adding icing in the middle will cover up any sprinkles that fell off the icing on the edge.

Tags: edge cupcake, icing middle, with sprinkles