Friday 30 January 2015

Is Fruit Allowed On Daniel Fast

Some people choose to eat fruit and fruit juice on a Daniel Fast.

The Daniel Fast is a type of fast based on the experience of the prophet Daniel in the Old Testament. The practice of a Daniel Fast varies from person to person, but all Daniel Fasts adhere to the principle of abstaining from choice foods and meats.


The two Bible passages that provide the basis for the Daniel Fast are Daniel 1:8-14 and Daniel 10:2-3. In them, Daniel eats vegetables, drinks water, does not drink wine, does not eat meat, and does not eat tasty foods.


The strictest form of the Daniel Fast is that in which participants only eat vegetables and drink water. More lenient forms allow fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.


Many people argue that the Biblical definition of vegetables includes fruits, so they are allowed on the Daniel Fast. Other people choose to eat only what are today considered vegetables.

Prohibited Foods

There are a number of foods that are clearly not allowed on a Daniel Fast. They include meats of all kinds, including fish, along with animal products such as eggs and milk. Sugar and sweeteners are also not allowed, and most people prohibit bread as well. Wine and other alcoholic or fermented beverages are prohibited.


The benefits of a Daniel Fast include renewed spiritual sensitivity and bodily cleansing from the effects of processed and sweet foods.

Tags: Daniel Fast, allowed Daniel, allowed Daniel Fast, Daniel Fast Daniel, Fast Daniel, people choose